How are your feelings?

IDEAS ARE IMPRESSED ON THE SUBCONSCIOUS THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF FEELING. No idea can be impressed on the subconscious until it is felt, but once felt—be it good, bad or indifferent—it must be expressed. FEELING is the one and only medium through which ideas are conveyed to the subconscious. Therefore, the man who does notContinue reading “How are your feelings?”

“I AM”

The mentality is not God, is not divine Mind, is not cause. It makes neither good nor evil. Yet, mind would like to announce to the world: “I AM a seat of importance. I can kill with wrong thoughts, and I can heal with right thoughts. Man is according to the way I AM thinking.Continue reading ““I AM””


ATTRACTION:  THE GUIDE TO HELP CHANGE PEOPLE’S LIVES Release of this ebook is scheduled for February 21, 2016 on FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Birmingham, AL)  Law of attraction followers and those looking to make big changes in their lives will soon have another literary guide that will greatly benefit them. Labarron Kennedy, CEO of AllContinue reading “Attraction”

I Am

I AM.  These are the most powerful words you can say.  Why?  Because the words “I AM” precede the subconscious beliefs you program yourself with, and thereby literally tell you how to feel in your body and mind.  These words also instruct the Greater Mind – the Universe – to form an outer reality toContinue reading “I Am”


ATTRACTION:  THE GUIDE TO HELP CHANGE PEOPLE’S LIVES Release of this ebook is scheduled for February 13, 2016 on FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Birmingham, AL)  Law of attraction followers and those looking to make big changes in their lives will soon have another literary guide that will greatly benefit them. Labarron Kennedy, CEO of AllContinue reading “Attraction”

Good Company

If you’re wondering why you are surrounded by all the wrong people or the people around you are bringing you down, you should look within yourself first. Before blaming the people in our lives for not letting us succeed or holding us back, we must look at ourselves and our thoughts. The right people areContinue reading “Good Company”

Know Thyself

Faith, absolute dogmatic Faith, is the only law of true success. When we recognize the fact that a man carries his success or his failure with him, and that it does not depend upon outside conditions, we will come into the possession of powers that will quickly change outside conditions into agencies that make forContinue reading “Know Thyself”